Monday, October 29, 2007

whooo hoooo

I just found out I don't work tomorrow! this is fabulous, because it means i will be able to purchase bonus Jonas in the morning:D Yeah yeah! there is just something good about this week... maybe its because the last one was so unkind. but this weekend is going to ROCK. is Tyler going to be back from Cali or is it going to be you, j-cat,and me? heh we are going to get him so good... and I get off early! yeah!!! do you work Friday? that will be lame if you do but really nothing can dampen these spirits!! aye yi yi! heh did you try to hug an ugly at lagoon again? that was so funny last time haha! today in sociology we had show and tell and my teachers kids brought there chihuahua. I always forget how much I hate them till I see them again. eww. but one girl brought her sugar glider and it was awesome. I want one of those. and a hedge hog. they could be Friends.

I was jsut listening to wall to wall and had a thought. there should be a CD of all the songs we do specific dances to. suggestions?

Guilty pleasure: 7:05

P.S.- I dont think that you like this song... but still watch 2:13- 2:16... THAT IS AMAZING!! also around 2:54 there is a cool one

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