Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shuffle! (Music Quiz)

Well it is Sunday and of course I am really bored so this is how I am entertaining myself. I enjoy these things mostly because who in the world has Rise Against and A*teens in the same Library.... Really the sheer variety in our libraries astonishes me.

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. No cheating!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. How am I feeling today? Perfect Scene: Mercy Mercedes (This is the song I am totally obsessed with right now. I'll have to give it to you)
2. Will I get far in life? Halfway Round The World: A*Teens (heh)
3. How do my friends see me? Real Gone: Sheryl Crow
4. Where will I get Married? Tide is High: Atomic Kitten
5. What is my BFF's theme song? Start the Revolution: Anberlin
6. What is the story of my life? You Set Me Free: Michelle Branch
7. What was high school like? Hello Beautiful: The Jonas Brothers
8. How can I get ahead in life? Misery Business: Paramore
9. What is the best thing about me? Time To Waste: Alkline Trio
10. How is today going to be? Free Fallin': Tom Petty and The Heartbreak Kids
11. What is in store for you this weekend? The Freshman: The Verve Pipe
12. What song describes my parents? Dance Inside: The All American Rejects
13. My grandparents? Tied Together With a Smile: Taylor Swift
14. How is my life going? We Will Become Silhouettes: The Postal Service
15. What song will play at my funeral? I Wanna Hold Your Hand: The Beatles
16. How does the world see me? Just Can't Get Enough: Depeche Mode (ha!)
17. Will I have a happy life? Romeo: Basement Jaxx
18. What do my friends think of me? All Your Reasons: Matchbox Twenty
19. Dose anyone secretly have a crush on me? Everything You Want: Vertical Horizon
20. How can I make myself happy? Games: The Jonas Brothers

21. What should I do with my life? Another Brick in The Wall: Pink Floyd
22. Will I ever have children? Which to Bury Us or the Hatchet: Relient K
23. What is some good advice? Swing Life Away: Rise Against (excellent advice)
24. What is my signature dancing song? Heartburn: NLT
25. What do I think my current theme song is? The Future Freaks Me Out: Motion City Soundtrack (I love it.)
26. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Soul Meets Body: Death Cab for Cutie
27. What type of boys do you like? Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous: Good Charlotte ("I like money")
28. What is your motto? Intertiatic E.S.P. : The Mars Volta
29. If you could have one thing in the world what would it be? Sweet Dreams: The Eurythmics
30. What is something that is important Newport Living: Cute is What We Aim For
31. What is one thing you regret? You: Switchfoot (heh)
32. How do you describe yourself? Hero/Heroine Boys Like Girls
33. Your best friend? A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel: U2
34. Your crush? Bye Bye Baby: Bay City Rollers

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Memories

Since it is Christmas eve I decided that maybe our blog could use some Christmas memories. my memory is quite poor and probably not extremely humorous but I think the blog just needed some festivity

My first Christmas memory is Brent eating wrapping paper. And actually this isn't a real memory. I have only seen the movie of it but it still makes me laugh every time. another good highlight form this movie is me insisting on helping my mom open every single one of her presents.

My next Christmas memory Is a time when Christmas was on a Sunday. I got that really sweet cabbage patch horse with wiry hair... and then we had to go to church and this frustrated immensely.

My next one is really far from this one. It was the year everyone got a razor scooter except me. There was no snow and everyone including Brent and Eric was our riding their scooter around. I played on the pogo stick Brent got...

My next memory is the first year that Eric was on his mission. me and Brent both slept till 11 and my mom finally woke us both up because she was bored. heh

Obviously my memory is pretty bad... my next memory that is really clear is last year, at your house. and the misfortune of your mother watching only the bad parts of shes the man. and also that i finally go to see the insanity of your house on Christmas

Recurring memories include going to my grandma Freeman's for dinner and making candy canes. this I like an every year occurrence. Also going skiing on Christmas eve so your are dead tired and can go to sleep. Also ice skating before Christmas which got canceled this year... LAME

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Purchase report- Montana is really great because my mom will always buy me stuff. I have yet to figure out what makes Montana different from Utah in that area but unfailingly if I want some normal article of clothing in Montana I will end up with it. so the purchjases were some new sweats and a really awesome new hoodie.

Weather Report- the weather here is pretty dismal. No snow and pretty much freezing. All hail utah for being snowy at christmas time

Sporting report- Bowling is probabaly one of my least favorite games. yesterday i bowled a 45 my first game and a 59 my second. obviously I ought to go pro.

College report- I am pretty sure all of my credits transfer to UVSC which is excellent. Also I got some housing option advice. Go wolverines!

speaking of which I hope that our mascot is still alive...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 6: Being Charitible

The holidays are a time for caring. There are so many ways to show you care. There's those salvation army people ringing bells outside of stores, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or just saving Wolverine. Our sense of justice was offended when we saw this little mouse in the mouse bin at Petco and knew he would become food for a giant boa constrictor someday. No more! SAVED! Another good deed by Kelli and Sadie (much to the chagrin of Sadie's mom).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 5: Best Inventions

Here is a list of the best inventions ever made. In no particular order
  • Laser Tag- if you are ever bored and happen to have $20 you should definitley go pick some up. Hours of entertainment.
  • The Repeat Button- this is pretty much what our CD players live on since we always have a certain song we love and listen to over and over and over. Right now it's "Rockstar by Prima J"
  • Youtube- You can find the most hilarious things on here. Home made music videos are always good. Or you can just find really really weird stuff. Either way though youtube pretty much just rocks.
  • The blog- no explanation needed.
  • Instant Messaging- we love instant messaging. We IM way more than we ever talk on the phone or text. Plus Im has awesome stuff on it like notepads you can draw each other pictures, and you can play games, and send each other music... genius.
  • Web cams- These are pretty awesome especially in combination with IM because then you can see facial expressions or play charades with whoever you are IMing.
  • The video camera- for obvious reasons. I mean just watch youtube.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Nothing better.. then youtube..

Ok so I really like this song alot, so i was jsut like youtubing it and I came across this video, So I watch it, (because i do love a good home made music video). No lie I laughed like the entire way through... from the part where he like falls to his knees at the begining onward... apparently the girl who posted it wrote and directed it. Its a preforming arts jr high they are at as well and the boy totally looks it. their lip syncing is hilarious. also check out those hot socks he wears...


I still need to fix it a little, but I am sick of it right now. I'll post the improved version once I finally do it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ooh, Gift Baskets!

While my job is really boring and they apparently don't even know how to spell my name (Saidie?) they do give an awesome Christmas basket. Gourmet popcorn (I gave this to Sarah), Gourmet Chocolate dipped pretzels (Delicious), Some fancy food stuff that I probably won't eat, The Trans Siberian Orchestra CD (yeah I don't really care about this so I gave it to my Mom), and a $25 gift card to Target. So I guess really just the last part is awesome, but it is truly awesome! Gift cards are great because they are like an excellent excuse to waste money. You can't save it. You can't put it in the bank, and you aren't actually spending anything. So it's like begging to be wasted, and if we are good at anything we are good at wasting money at Target. I love Target (we both do, we spend a lot of time there for some reason).

Gift baskets remind me of Pocahontas.

Wiggins: Do you think we'll meet some savages?
Governor Ratcliffe: If we do, we shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting.
Wiggens: Ooh, gift baskets!

Acrostic poem

K- Keen
E- Exuberant
L- Lethal
L- Loquacious
I- Intense

I wa bored... so I made this... these are all words I have never used before when making one of these. heh

Finals week is like a bad idea because it mostly makes you want to just sit around and do borish stuff like write acrostic poems, when really you ought to be studying:D

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 4:Ugly Clothes Game

Well, it's time for the world to know about the Ugly Clothes Game. Probably one of the best games ever invented, and since we mentioned it a couple of times in here we thought we'd make it the joint effort of the week. Enjoy!

How to Play The Ugly Clothes Game
by Sadie and Kelli

This game takes at least 3 people, but is better with more. Basically each player is assigned another player and they go out and try to find the ugliest clothes possible. Then everyone has to try on the clothes given to them by the other player. Everyone comes out wearing hideous clothes, laughing ensues, and whoever chooses the worst outfit wins and gets to pick who they want to choose clothes for next.

Helpful Hints and Tips:
Department Stores work best (bigger dressing rooms/more ugly clothes)
Always browse the clearance racks
Mix patterns and colors you usually wouldn't
Don't be afraid to venture into the Granny Section

May get kicked out of JC Penny's if the dressing room is small.**


Ok, I don't know how I'm going to get through this. I have tears streaking down my face. OH MAN! So Carson called my Dad last night because he wanted to ask Sarah to the dance while we were at church today. Sarah ended up getting a headache and having to stay home from church. So we are coming home from church, and we see two police men walking up our driveway and two police cars parked on the curb. Immediately I knew exactly what happened, and just started laughing wildly. They probably thought I was a maniac. But oh man! It's just too funny! So I guess Sarah's in her room trying to sleep away the headache, and she heard them setting up on the porch, and they weren't exactly trying to be quiet thinking no one was home, and at the same time she can hear Jordan walking around downstairs, and she didn't know he had stayed home from church. So she is like freaking out and she called 911 to report that someone was breaking in to our house. So then the police like knock on the door "This is the Police," and then they see Jordan dressed in his pajamas.... Oh wait. You live here? Oh. Right...... The best part is that I totally called it when my Mom said Sarah was staying home. Oh man! CLASSIC! And we thought the bears was good. Obviously we had no idea.

Friday, December 7, 2007

It's begining to look a lot like christmas

So when i got the christmas quilt picture it set me off thinking of the random things I think about when i think about christmas.... heres a few

-Your dad falling down the stairs and trying to save him self on the thumb tacked up quilt
-Your mom having us watch pat a pan. and she always says the same thing but i dont remember what is now
-Your mom only seeing the most unfortunate part of movies
-Ice skating with your ward. insert comment about jordan being a figure skater. that should have been in his star profile.
-Eric and brent hurdling over our couch in the living room because it is flipped the other way.
-Zachary Playing the same ridiculous christmas song over and over until everyone in the house wants to break the piano
- You and sarah singing that sister song
- Sydnie going through the toy catalogs and wanting everything
-Jordan your dad and rhett playing dance dance that one year
-Your mom always demanding that the TV go back downstairs but it always takes like 2 weeks for it to actually go.
-Annihilating your dad at wave race.
-Drinking like 4 cups of hot chocolate a day

** you know what annoys me? people who put wreaths on their cars...

Guilty pleasure-be as... that song just makes me laugh

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Guide to Bad Fashion in the Horse World

Lately we have been noticing that horse gear is kind of high fashion. So today I was looking at the horse catalog websites in my favorites and I found some great fashion for our next riding adventure.

What guide to bad fashion in the horse world would be complete with out the formidable overly sparkly slinky? This one reminds me of "fruity pebbles." And really this was just on the first page. I'm sure if I would have kept looking I could have found an even uglier one, slinky makers love cheetah print. Remember spending hours and hours looking for decent one?

OK so obviously breaches are never very attractive, but that's not even the worst part. First of all these are apparently "low rise" breeches. So you know.... totally in style, but what else can we do to make these even cooler... hmmm... well aren't 80's coming back? Leg warmers it is! Oh wait.... just pink knee high tights, and weird ankle boots... ankle boots are in.
Keep that pesky sun from your eyes, with these sierraclubish/cartoonish/plasticy sun visors!

This is my favorite. I mean like a helmet isn't totally nerdy enough. And then you add the sequined cover (Are you also being haunted by memories of the purple helmet cover girl with the fake plastered on smile from all the horse shows?) Then since it's winter you add this great little warming/bank robbery thing. If I was into wasting money I would totally buy you one of these for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

For Sarah

I wonder if there are bears at our park.... :D heh

10 things most people wouldn't guess about me

1. I wanted to be a Ice skater when I was young
2. I dont like voice mail.. leaving and recieving
3. I buy makeup becuase I like the containers it comes in I dont really like to wear it
4. I love plaid
5. I am really lucky at finding random songs that are actually awesome
6. I am sweet at making mixes
7. I like to jump off swings and see how far i can get
8. I am really freaked out by snakes
9. I hate the taste of bubble gum
10. I HATE horror films

Weekend Plans

Here is just a little list of some things to do this weekend (when it finally gets here).

  • Our awesome little "party" Including, candy, music, and chick flicks... Sweet.
  • SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA! We will be shopping fiends. Nothing works better than retail therapy ask anyone.
  • I was listening to the radio yesterday, and there was a commercial for "Zoolights" That might be fun. It's only $6. We have been wanting to go to the Zoo for a long time, and this is like combination Zoo animals and Christmas Lights. Plus apparently they have these special lights that's you can only see with these special little glasses... that seems amusing.
  • It's supposed to snow again Friday night. Let's go riding! Can you say Mitten Game? Plus Horses always make me happy "Whoever said money can't buy happiness obviously didn't know where to buy a horse"

My Shopping List:

  • Jewelry-- all kinds, but as you probably would have guess mostly earrings. I love earrings. I need new ones!
  • A new shirt. Don't really know what kind yet, just a new shirt.
  • Some sweet shoes if I see them.
  • Something for Sarah. She wants a jacket or clothes, but if I can find something more fun I will go with that.
  • Zach.... whoa he is hard. I have no idea what to get him. Although I guess he is kind of clothes fiend these days too.
  • This weird scrap booking thing my Mom wants. It's at Michael's.
  • Something for Jordan and my Dad.... yeah. No idea. They are super hard. I thought about getting my Dad this cool China book that had like customs, and places to go see and stuff, but I don't know. Maybe not. I am going to make him a new Jack Johnson CD since his is scratched. I know you love Jack Johnson want me to make a one for you too?Jordan is basically just impossible.

shop till you drop

my shopping list for the weekend
  • New jeans... probably those ones form charlotte russe, not the skinny ones
  • the AWESOME plaid shirt fomr charlotte russe
  • some new shoes I havent decided whether I want those canvas shoes or some cool heels
  • Mabe some new flannel pants
  • New make up, the roomates gave me a makeover and now my mom wants me to buy make up. and I do love to have makeup, even if I dont like to wear it all that much.
  • A new movie hopefully
  • hopefully another random shirt. I still sortof wish i had that I heart music shirt frok 5-7-9
  • The rest of your Christmas present
  • A movie for Eric
  • Something wierd for brent
  • something for my mom... IDK what yet

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mad For Plaid

Jordan The Fashionista... He's mad for plaid

Guide to Having Fun Edition 3: Let It Snow, Let it Reindeer

Much to our delight Last night it snowed! YEAH!!! In honor of this great event we decided a post about the awesome stuff you can do in the snow was in order...

How to Have an Awesome Time in the Snow
by: Sadie & Kell

1. Horseback riding in the snow
-Suggestion: Go bareback its warmer
- Play the mitten game
+How to play: You'll need two Players for this game, Each player will ride to opposite ends Of the Field. One will be holding the mitten (we prefer to use a pixie glove) and the other will be the catcher. Make sure you decide ahead of time which hand you will use. Right means you will be riding past on each others right sides and left hand left sides, we play right handed. both riders turn after reaching their end of the field. The mitten holder the hand holding the mitten triumphantly in the air when they are ready. The catcher lifts their receiving hand in the air to show they are ready. Both riders drop their hands and urge their horses to lope, making sure they are still on the correct side. As the riders pass each other the mitten holder reaches out and so does the catcher. The goal is to have the mitten end up in the catchers hand. You count each successful pass in a row and try to break your own or someone else's records.
-Tubing behind the horses can be a good time if you are careful.

2. Go sledding
- This may seem childish but sledding is ALWAYS fun. Race, do tricks, if you are Kelli's little brother sled off the church roof.
-Tow a sled behind a four wheeler if you have one, and a good field to do it in.

3. Have a snowball fight
- Boys throw harder, but they are probably more fun to play with.

4. Build a snowman
-It's best if you can make this snowman look like someone specific.

5. Make snow angels

6. If you can find a good place you can go penguin sliding. Any place flat and icy will work out nicely.