Sunday, December 23, 2007


Purchase report- Montana is really great because my mom will always buy me stuff. I have yet to figure out what makes Montana different from Utah in that area but unfailingly if I want some normal article of clothing in Montana I will end up with it. so the purchjases were some new sweats and a really awesome new hoodie.

Weather Report- the weather here is pretty dismal. No snow and pretty much freezing. All hail utah for being snowy at christmas time

Sporting report- Bowling is probabaly one of my least favorite games. yesterday i bowled a 45 my first game and a 59 my second. obviously I ought to go pro.

College report- I am pretty sure all of my credits transfer to UVSC which is excellent. Also I got some housing option advice. Go wolverines!

speaking of which I hope that our mascot is still alive...

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