Friday, November 30, 2007

All I Want For Christmas is a Waxxing Kit

We got our Christmas tree yesterday, and today I went Christmas shopping. Definitely a fantastic activity. It just puts you in the Christmasy mood! I love people that are easy to shop for. I.E. Sydnie. She wants everything. Bad example: you. I always have the hardest time figuring out what to get you! So on this little shopping excursion I went to the local Barnes and Noble, and I saw an interesting thing.... it was a lady with a mustache. And I don't mean some wispy little hairs... it was a SERIOUS mustache.

Guilty Pleasure: Romeo: Basement Jaxx
Obsession: Starlight: Muse


P.S. You forgot "mucho love" You always tell me you hate that.

Words and pharses Annoy me

Toodles will take the prize as numero uno. Nothing is annoying like someone saying tootles or Toodleoo. Who Even invented that??

Saying Human or humongous or that kindof of word with out the H. Uman, Umongous it just seems ridiculous.

That rubber and glue saying from elementary. It bugged me then and it bugs me now I don't really know why. but really I'm like Rubber your like glue? there is nothing great about being rubber, and besides that means if you were like "wow you look really cute today!" and the other person was "rubber" they couldn't even have the compliment.

Oy vey! is next... I say exclaim in english if you have to exclaim

People who say don't got. In Jr high, kids said this all the time and I just never understood why. I don't got no pencil!

Guilty pleasure- Thant hannah montana song. See you again. how annoying I hate it when i like really annoying music


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Purchase report-
-A weird blue velour stocking (its a roommate thing we are all matchers)
-A Fake christmas tree from your favorite store
-Various cheapo ornaments from all a dollar
-indoor out door lights for my window
-Some garlands and tinsel (we now have a tinsel chandelier which is awesome)
-Chantelle bought a table from the DI which is now our Christmas trees table but also has storage and can double as seating once the tree is gone.

Weather report
-First snow I have actually witnessed in Logan (if this hinders my drive home I will hurt someone)
-according to the news first measurable snowfall
-temperature cold, but luckily i spent minimal amounts of time outside today
-wind blowing (tomorrow morning is bound to be miserable)

School report
-At work the kids got like obsessed with my boys don't fall for me I trip them key chain
-I have a whole load of stuff i should be studying instead of writing this, Like sociology and an English project. heh I rock at life

Apartment report
- We are now decorated for xmas
-our coffee table now resides in the middle of our room instead of the side much to Chantalle's delight
-I finally got new food so I'm not starving but I drank all my milk. lame

moral- medium I am actually having a good week but I am still just a little depressed that Tyler is going to be gone next week! ahhh CRAZY! It will be so wierd! and then he'll be the missionary kid... hmmm

Monday, November 26, 2007

Illustration of having a fun time shopping

Oh please, Like those carts with trucks on the front are really for small children pff

Friday, November 23, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 2: Super Shoppers

Well today has been a long day. Mostly because we woke up so early. As you all should know it is BLACK FRIDAY! So we up and waiting in line in the freezing cold at Target. The people around us thought we were totally insane, because we don't actually go to get something. We just like to watch people be crazy. Like people who need a cart DESPERATELY because they have SO much stuff, but of course you can maneuver yourself a lot better with out one. Or the people who the people who just run around yelling things like "B 45! B 45! Aisle 2!" Also it's the only time of the year that people are allowed to shove you and not say sorry. So in honor of this lovely holiday here is a guide to having fun in stores/shopping centers.

How to Have Fun While Shopping
by: Sadie and Kell
  • Three words: Shopping Cart Racing
  • Hide and Go seek (especially if it's unplanned)
  • The toy section. Enough said.
  • Looking at all the weird things (i.e. Zac Efron pillowcases) and then imagining the people who have them.
  • If there is clothing: Ugly Clothes Game (look forward to learning more about this in a future "Guide to Having Fun" post.)
  • Have them page random people on the intercom
  • Sample Day
  • Testing nail polish (might not want to do this at Claires)
  • Take random crazy pictures (not recommended at the mall)
  • Run up the down escalators, if no one is watching.

Random fact about Black Friday: It's called "Black Friday" because it puts retailers in "the black."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas is in the Air

YAHOO! Can't wait for tomorrow man! I'm in a wild mood, because I am SOOOO excited. Me+You+Empty House. = Loud music, running around, grocery sack sliding in the living room, jumping on couches, and tons of sugar intake. Can't WAIT! It's going to be freaking amazing. So also. I have been listening to Christmas music all day today, and I am in the best holiday mood ever! Don't you just love the holidays? They are fantastic! I totally can not wait for December, and snow, and sledding, and shopping. Wahoo! Christmas time is awesome. I think I actually like the build up to Christmas better than actual Christmas, because it's like before Christmas everyone just walks around with a smile on their face, and you got to see lights go up, you get to shop for everyone and just imagine their reaction, and there is still that anticipation. Everyone is just so happy! I love it. Another excellent thing about Christmas is that giant stocking joke. I need to go get me a new one sometime soon. heh! As great as Christmas music is though.... it does have it's downfalls

Top Three Annoying Christmas Songs
  1. Homeless
  2. Santa Baby
  3. Christmas Shoes

Even with that though... Christmas just rocks! And hopefully I can run to the store and get me a giant stocking and some Tiki Punch after work today. Wish me luck! Have an excellent time at your cabin with your fam!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Things to look forward to

A sleep over! "YES!"
New joint blog post, Staying up and being crazy
Black Friday shopping. heh
This is guarnteed to be hilarious I mean really even thinking about it I laugh
Also, if we go to target we should pick up those sleds. if it snows we are totally going sledding
A 5 day weekend
Think of how much we will be able to do. Like really
Horsebackriding, Sledding if it snows. Pretty much whatever the heck we want
Christmas season
even though all the stores are decorated all ready

I think we should do something random... we should go ice blocking or jsut something we never do. I am bringing my digital camera and we can take more awesome photos:D

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 1: Slumber Party Girls

So we are having this awesome sleepover and we decided that we would have this weekly joint post that shares with you our ideas for living life to the fullest. Heh! So here it is! Edition #1

by Kell and Sadie

1. Being hyper is the most important thing when having a sleepover. This can be achieved a number of ways. One way would be to drink lots of Tiki Punch which in ACT language would be: Gasoline is to car as Tiki Punch is to awesome sleepover. Putting extra sugar in your Kool-aid (double should do it). Jumping on the couch or bed (this always works).

2. Staying up late is another must (Being hyper will help with this).

3. Listening to crazy music. Crazy music can be almost anything, but here are some prime examples just to get you started:

4. Play MASH to all hours of the night. This is more fun with paper and pen, because then you can add categories that are funnier i.e. wedding ring, honeymoon, wedding colors, etc. but you can do it online too, and also this counts for you which is faster

5. Talking about really pointless things especially if it is really late and you are tired. (This sort of just happens on it's own)

Friday, November 16, 2007

For an Optimist I'm pretty Pessimistic

"Almost 96% of people marry their high school sweethearts. Because you opened this you will get kissed on Friday. By the person you love or like! & tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Do not break this chain! Repost this as "High School Couples" You got 2 minutes this is not a fake...apparently... copy and paste this to as many ppl in the next 10 minutes and you WILL have the best day of ur life 2morow. You're number one will either KISS, ask u out, or call u. if u break this chain the little girl from the ring will be in ur room 2 nite!!!no send back!"

That was an e-mail I got from Elyse. I object. 96 percent?!? Yeah right. So out of that 96% how many get divorced? I'm betting 99.99999999%

Obsession: BOYS LIKE GIRLS (Hero/Herorine and Five Minutes to Midnight)

P.S. My msn email WORKS!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm Runnin and Screaming

So today I wore my Boys Like Girls shirt, I go to work, and walk into the second grade classroom and they are in the middle of like a little class math activity, one kids turns around and really loudly says "BOYS LIKE GIRLS! GROSS!!!!" and then of course the whole class just like busts up laughing. and the poor substitute didn't even know what to do. heh elementary substitutes were so cool

All day I have been just like randomly breaking into boys like girls songs, and like as loud as i would have at home, like the top of my lungs. apparently I have no shame. My roomates think I am really weird:D

this is the best part of this post you will love it.... SO i am driving to work today, Jammin out you know to boys like girls of course, SO i am listening to hero heroine. and I am just like thinking...' this song is so weird, what does heroin have to do with being a hero, that is so weird' and then I was wondering why a band would be talking about doing heroin, nobody admits that... after mulling this over oh you know pretty much all day it finally occurred to me that he was talking about a heroine not heroin. needless to say it was very confusing

I am still like wired from that concert OH MAN!!! that was so fun, and it was hilarious when we were dancing around the gas station. Obviously we should repeat that experience, we can just choose some random parking lot. and right now boys like girls makes me way hyper. heh I accept your decree for another Sleepover we will be hilarious

obsession: anything Boys like girls particularly broken man, Also general concert stuff

Dance hall drug

(apparently justin forgot to take it.)

Heels Over Head for Concerts

Well that was pretty much AWESOME! We are totally going to more concerts from this point on. So I am like spilling over with energy still, I keep jumping, and then I get really weird looks which I suppose makes sense.

Highlights of the Night:
  • Us looking for Justin and Tyler and Justin totally saw us, and just made fun of us. Like wouldn't normal people wave or stand up so we could see them better?
  • People cheering really loud when Jerrytown said it was their last song. It would totally suck to be an opening band.
  • Ryan Peek, who hates you, being two rows down from us, and also behaving like the maniac that he is.
  • Us jumping and screaming and just generally being wild and crazy, Tyler dancing, Dustin shaking his head around, and Justin standing there with his hands in his pockets the whole time.
  • Justin's brother wanting a picture of Sarah so he can make fun of her for thinking he had a mullet.
  • Watching all those girls freak out whenever the lead singer threw his empty water bottle out to the crowd.
  • Justin making fun of those girls by screaming really high pitched. I'm serious, I wish you had been standing by him so you could have heard it, because it was hilarious.
  • The fact that the main singer's name is "Martin"
  • Tyler not being able to handle the bright lights, because he'd just had his eyes dilated.
  • The main guy, Martin (heh), totally looking like a panda.
  • The entire band's pants.... haha what the heck!
  • Us at the gas station afterwards.... people think we are crazy (and most likely we are).

Obsession: BOYS LIKE GIRLS (mostly "Heels Over Head" still)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Today In the student Center there were all these signs from all of these high schools that are in either Utah or Idaho. I was just studying geography map quizzes etc when suddenly all these high school kids start pouring in. I thought it was a debate, mr sumner was there but i didn't recognize any one else. any ways all of a sudden this kid just sits down by me and like you don't sit on the cushion right next to someone, you sit at least one away and more is better. So I gave like the side glance to see if they were like looking at me and then when back to my homework, he shifts again and I can tell he is looking at my screen. i was like way freaked out. I mean what kindof random person just sits down next to you and does that. then they were like what are you doing? So I like turn to look at them and it is kyle saunders! I was way surprised I totally wouldn't even look at him when I didn't know who he was. then this starwars music was blasting and it was like WELCOME TO STARWARS and i was like "whoa this is a starwars contest?" and he was like "no way, I should be in this" but really it was just an academic decathlon. so we watched it for a while then he left, then I left.
my question is this. why is it called starwars? are they saying these kids are like super stars or something? because to me it seemed like maybe it should be called that because those kids all looked like starwars fanatics. good story huh?

Also.. I find this extremely humorous

You Would Prefer "The Darker the Berry, the Sweeter the Juice"?

White mom: Which kitty is your favorite?
Little girl holding book of baby animals: The black one!
Mom: The black one? He sure is a cute kitty.
Little girl, loudly: Once you go black, you never go back!
Passing thug, flashing her a thumbs-up: Word!
White mom: I don't care what your father says, we are so moving to Westchester
.--Commodore Barry Park, Fort Greene, Brooklyn

Overheard by: Straightfaced, but barely


Welcome Jordan!!! In honor of you finding our blog and becoming a faithful reader we decided to dedicate a post to you, this will tell the rest of our faithful readers (Rhett) a little bit more about you! So with out further ado...


Age- 21
Height- 5”11
Weight- According to Myspace, a little extra baggage
Marital status- Very single
Birthday- November 27 1985
Religon- According to Myspace, Bhuddist


“You don’t touch a mans pillow! It’s like letting somebody else build Dads houses!”
“Sadie is going to be one of those old ladies who swears at the Refs”
“Yeah, because everyone has a mini pool in their backyard”
“Hedge hogs just shoot their Quills at you!!”

Talents: Can control when he becomes ill

Favorite outfit: Ugly striped sweater and jeans

Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice Pink version

Favorite song: Can’t Fight The Moon Light by Leann Rimes

Hobbies: Nintendo, World of War craft, Sleeping, Drinking water bottles

Occupation: boards and nailing specialist

Favorite sports team: Oakland raiders, two wins seven losses… OUCH

Interesting Facts- Claims to have invented the Cheese sandwich
Drives a truck that has an Arabian Horse sticker
Previously drove the poop truck
Obsessed with Guitar hero

Fears- Deathly afraid of snakes, Hedgehogs, and Mexican Gangsters (Natt)

And now we all know Jordan just a little bit better!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mall Madness

Well today I took a fabulous trip to the mall and here are some of the interesting things I saw

  • A man at the mattress store who was just laying on one of the beds playing the guitar. (This reminded me of that one totally random teacher that would just stand outside his class room and sing and play the guitar. Who the heck was he anyways?)
  • Santa Claus (Wow! That time already I guess...)
  • A security guard trip and fall

Now here are some of my Mall Memories

  • Kicked Up Lemonade gumballs. Seriously how much money would we have saved if we never bought one of these? Lots most likely, but you know what? We would have missed out on a great experience. (btw I ate one today for old times sake)
  • When JC Penny was cool, and now it sucks
  • When me, you, and Elyse would just buy the same shirts all the time
  • The ugly clothes game CLASSIC
  • Getting kicked our of JC Penny on the last day of 8th grade for playing the ugly clothes game.... also classic
  • Me leaving my cowgirl up hoodie in the dressing room of Vanity (still one of my greatest regrets in life)
  • That time I like threw myself onto a very soft look bed, and then it turned out to be like super hard, and not a mattress at all.

Also, it's Hundreds Day! 100 posts and 100 hits! And 100 comment..... oh wait... 6 then.

Shirts and skins

Today I was noticing the colors people were wearing and decided that sometimes I judge people based on the color they are wearing, becuase when I picture people I picture them wearing a certain color and so I decided to link that to their personalities.

So here it is the break down: the color of shirt, the description of what I guess the person in the shirt is and the people that helped me make these assumptions

Pink shirts- A bit dramatic, smart, perfect people
-Sarah, Jenni adams

Green shirts (boys)- hyper, crazy, random, funny
-Tyler, Brent’s good side

Green shirt (Girls)- crazy, maybe fake, not that smart
- Elyse, Amanda Johnson

Red shirts- Like boys green shirts except for girls
-me and you

Brown shirts- a little crazy, sometimes moody or hard to read
- Christeen, Chantelle, Jessica Frisby

Purple Shirts- driven and dramatic
-Nicole, Kayla

Blue shirts- quiet, shy, but funny
- Terry, Eric, Justin

Yellow shirts- happy, nice
-Annie love, lindsi

WHOOO HOOO concert tomorrow anyone?? YES

Sleepover Secrets

Well Kelli start learning that 2nd language! Also I don't know if you have tried the Kool-aid version of otter pops, but just know they come highly recommended. And Kool-aid reminds me of our first sleepover so this post is going to be dedicated to Sleepover Memories
  • The time we made Kool-aid with double the sugar required. Possibly more.
  • Playing MASH all hours into the night
  • The Sedimentary Rock Ring
  • "Yeah because everyone has a miniature pool in their backyard."
  • The bobby pin who owes you a life debt
  • How crazy we were the time we got to have a sleepover during school
  • Going to the football game that night, and then realising that you didn't have to go home
  • "People are crazy." "Yeah, good thing we're not." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
  • Staying up till like 3:00 in the morning and then going on a river run at 5:30, and not being tired at all.
  • "Those people just tipped their canoe!"
  • Us wanting Elyse and Demi's sleeping bag spot, and them refusing to trade us, and then they ended up getting all wet.
  • The blinding light of your cell phone a.k.a. "The Sun"
  • The dance party in the morning when we slept over at Lyse's
  • Taking forever on the Quiet Book
  • "Fly on the wall" "If I was invisible"
  • Going to Walmart at like 1:00 in the morning to get Lime Rickey Ice Cream,, and being totally freaked out by the scary people there.
  • Talking forever and ever and near the end totally not making sense

Anyways if you can think of anymore tell me. And I propose another sleepover this weekend! This week basically rocks mostly because you are coming home TOMORROW and we are going to a concert, and then you'll go home, and we will have only ONE more day until it's the weekend! YEE-HAW!

Guilty Pleasure: Three guesses... :D This blog is somewhat boring right now as they apparently just released a book about it or something, but I like the idea of it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh the Places we'll go

Places we should visit before we get snatched up.

England- this is like a given just to see everything, also get a taste of that dry english Wit.
Ireland- If you are in England you might as well head to ireland to ride horses!
France- Us and the eiffel tower
Greece- I do love Baclava
Somewhere in South America- just to see it... brazil or something they have cool flea markets there.
Germany- we can always pop on over and visit hanne heh or not
China- Us... mostly you... stuffing our faces with chinese food
South of spain- I dont know what it is but I just have a thing with this place... it seems awesome
Normal Spain- And go see the spanish riding school in vienna
Whatever country in Africa where you stay in the hotel and the girrafes come up to your window. that is so cool!
Austraila, and New Zeland- these people have rad accents... and in new zeland their parks are like Extreme! they have those zip lines, but for grownups!

Things That Are Great About Us

We own nailpolish with names like "pink promenade" or "big money green"
We are sort of bad at talking on the phone somehow
We are REALLY good at making mix CD's
We run everywhere we go
No one was more made for a road trip then us and we have the same Spring Break
We go to the park and swing more than any other college kids I think
We ride horses
We are the same, but not
We have a dedicated readership (Rhett)
We play more board games than almost anyone
We have long memories and many inside jokes
There aren't actually words invented to describe us
We embrace our guilty pleasures
We never fight
We laugh more than normal people
We get obsessed with stuff and that is awesome
We waste time productively (i.e. this blog, this list, and our many paint drawings)
We invent lines that can only be crossed by us
We own "shared" items
We are up for almost anything
We invented the mitten game
We are going to Arizona!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Things that are great about Arizona

  • It is warm there

  • There is no Daylight saving time

  • It is the only state that has the letter Z in it

  • It is a four corners state

  • The 6th largest state

  • Location of the Grand canyon

  • Location of part of Lake Powell

  • They have a pro football team the Arizona cardinals

  • They have pro basketball the Phoenix suns

  • they have pro baseball the Arizona Diamond backs

  • They have a pro la cross team the Arizona sting (PS that is awesome.)

  • they have a pro hockey team, the Arizona Coyotes (also they have like 10 minor hockey teams, apparently hockey is big there.... who knew?

  • home to the oldest rivalry in the NCAA ( I am sure this is an opinion but who am I to decide?)

  • Psycho was filmed there

  • Michelle branch, Stevie Nicks, the lead guy from linkin park, and jordin sparks are from Arizona

  • Sandra day O'Connor is from Arizona

  • David spade is form Arizona

  • they call the Area around Phoenix the valley of the sun and that is awesome

  • They have a lot of cactus

  • they have the largest strand of ponderosa pine

  • their Flag is not impossible to color
  • You can tint your windows as dark as you want.
  • Their women's basketball team (The Mercury) won the championship and is featured on the Wheaties box.
  • Jimmy Eat World and Scary kids scaring kids are from Arizona.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

If only.....

If only..... we had been smart
If only..... it was the weekend EVERY day
If only..... this didn't cost 35.00


So the Jazz game last night was pretty dang awesome. It was an INTENSE game. They were tied 101 to 101 with like 7 seconds left and then Darren Williams saved the day. Jordan insists that I will someday be one of the crazy fans who yells at the Refs and goes to every game. This is not the case. I did not yell at the refs once, not even when they called a foul on Milsak when it was very obviously a block. There were many people who did. I found someone to replace the old lady in hilarity though! Although he is not as funny since he is not old. Someday he will be. And I bet he will still be there. Here he is...

He stayed standing the ENTIRE game. And he was REALLY in to. I love fans like this. They are hilarious to watch, and they like go crazy when they start giving out free stuff like t-shirts and stuff. Or when they do "fan watch" with the jumbotron screen. And they scream like little school girls. It's awesome.

Obessesion: Heels Over Head and Crush-crush-crush

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Save us College Kids

So I was doing some research on colleges and I stumbled upon this little number...

unfortunatly the closest one to us is California... huuuu GREAT... way to be a huge downer college. pfff whooo hoooo only like... 2 days till the weekend yeah ya! and when tyler was on drugs he really wanted to hangout with us. we will see about when he is a little more normal. :D

you know what else is lame? Elyse not having a deep love and respect for facebook. hello we would hardly have to do any work at all if she did.

More things that are lame

whens stores don't have self checkout
when its not the weekend
when skate/long boarders just like almost run into you
when everyone is studying except you and so you are way bored
when your food goes bad before you finish it

LKF- If I don't eat the crust or edge of something first then I don't eat it. I will like throw cookie edges away for some reason...

Obsession... pretty much everything I guess... all of those stated on the below list most of which would qualify for guilty pleasures too

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Only in Utah

Only in Utah would this ad be so effective. DEMOCRATS??? AHHHH!!!!!

Update: Renny won.

Also just a little Sidenote: Elyse has a new profile song, is feeling stressed, and has a new blog post.


3- The number of times I have won Settlers in the past 2 days
8- The number of days until the Boys Like Girls concert*
13- Number of days until Thanksgiving break!
18 1/2- My age as of TODAY!
32- The number of time I have listened to that Rocket Summer song
500- Number of times Tyler will probably tell us that he got his teeth out by a real oral surgeon. Seriously. Go check my facebook wall.
1,000,000,000- How many times Zach has played Pat a Pan

Political Update: All of Renny's corners had been used so they solved the space problem by taking them off to put the vote today ones up. Thought you might want to know. ;)

More Previous Obsessions:
Orange Juice (only me)
Saddle Club/Horses
Malchik Gay
Also remember my weird butterfly phase?

Guilty Pleasure: That's Just the Way We Roll- Jonas Brothers

P.S. Number 1 makes me want to throw up

*Justin called me earlier and asked me what section our seats were in, and he's going to try and get ones by us.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I would venture to say this is like one of the worst/best? obsessions we have ever had... whihc is awesome. I think it is hilarious when we get all obsessive. and you can always tell becuase we always talk on the phone a tone when we are obsessed.. and we talk pretty much everyday right now. haha Awesome.

Previous obsessions

Ramen with eggs
Pink pride and prejudice
Salt and vinigar chips
hot chocolate (you more then me)
Almond puff
brother bear
upside down
the A*teens
Drive me Crazy
#1 ;)
that one kind of tetris
writing notes

those are just random one I thought of. also I didnt know that song was called brat pack. but I way like it...

Guilty pleasure- bounus jonas hasn't left my CD

Manic Monday

Hmm that is awesome. At least she didn't write a song about the death of her cat I guess. Whoa. So today is Monday which is lame, but there are some great things coming up. Namely the weekend and the boys like girls concert! YEAH-YA! I am already sick of Pat a Pan Zach plays it on the piano like 24/7 NO EXAGGERATION! I think Jordan would be very proud of your group chocies. Since obsession is back I will make a list of things we are obsessed with.
  1. Jonas Brothers/Bonus Jonas
  2. Unmentionable, but I'm sure you know
  3. youtube
  4. The Weekends
  5. Weekend Warriors
  6. Right now I am obsessed with this one Rocket Summer song even though he is not very attractive.
  7. Our Blog (we totally get on here all the time)
  8. laughing at Elyse's myspace
Guilty Pleasure: Manic Monday

P.S. I have a horse club trophy here for you, and actually it has been here forever, but I forgot to tell you about it.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


so today was fast sunday... and testimony meeting... woot. anyways I usually find these highly entertaining during the primary part and getting more and more dull as time goes on (I know mature) anyways. So this apparently was a very teenage friendly meeting alot of the priests and laurels get up. SO then Craig Ezell apparently decides e wants to go up so he starts walking up and his mom like has her head in her hand ect. So he like put his hand on the banister like he is going to go up the stairs... and then promptly heads for the exit. it was exceedingly humourus. So after a little while this beehive gets up, and she was like. I was really nervous about yesterday... and not because I had a recitle. but becuase it was the one year anniversery of my cats death, and my cat was like my life... but now I know that it is in a better place and probably watching over me and she went on and on and on about it. I was like dying my mom like forced my head down so people couldnt see me laughing. heh

Kyle has dropped another teir on elyses myspace. he is below us now...

P.S. I joined some rad facebook groups. heh

P.S.S. I started to put comments on some youtube songs hahahaha

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Obsesssion is back

Guess what, we are not alone! Today I was purchasing my BONUS JONAS (!!!!!)on amazon and I was reading the reviews and some 18 year old gave it 5 stars.
All I have to say is wow! I am a HUGE JB fan and this completed my JB
collection..for now anyway. The second I got it, the 2 new songs went
straight onto my ipod and the dvd went into my DVD player. I LOVE the music
videos especially S.O.S and the concert was sooo good! These boys are one of
the most talented groups to come up in a long time. There music is upbeat
and inspirational. They combine positive messages with guitar and drums and
do it beautifully. Nick's voice is just off the charts and Kevin's guitar
talent is in more then I can put into words. Joe's energy on stage will keep
you jumping and wanting more. Coming from an 18 year old, you need to BUY
this! believe me, you won't regret it!

Some of my Favorites:
Little boy to mail woman: FedEx is better than you!

Man, slamming on hood of taxi inching forward: Hey! I'm walkin' here! [Turns to people behind him] Where's that from?Lady passerby: Midnight Cowboy!

Pharmacist: You should probably re-sign your card.
Woman: Why?
Pharmacist: Well, you signed over the magnetic strip. You're supposed to sign over the white part down here.
Woman: Then how would the machine read my signature? That doesn't make any sense.
Pharmacist: No, it's a magnetic strip. It reads the information, not the signature.
Woman: I don't think you know what you're talking about. That's not how the machines work. You're a pharmacist, not an electrician.

Guilty Pleasure: Jonas Brothers (What else?!)

P.S. Happy day before weekend day! YAHOO!


So now I am in love with that stupid yet hilarious new york thing and I jsut laughed for like 5 minuted about this one... imagin the akwardity...

Guy #1: Okay, so this news I have to tell you...
Guy #2: Yeah...
Guy #1: You're the first one I'm telling, so don't mention this to anyone yet -- I wanna be the one to break the news to everyone. It's big. And I don't want this to change anything between us or the guys -- I'm still the same James*. But it just feels right... I feel like it's time.
Guy #2, looking very uncomfortable: Uh, dude...
Guy #1: I know, you're gonna tell me I'm crazy. But I've actually been thinking about it for a long time [pulls velvet box out of jacket and opens it to reveal huge diamond ring].
Guy #2: Whoa, bro...
Guy #1: Dude... I'm gonna ask Danielle to marry me.
Guy #2: Oh, oh my gosh. Dude, that's awesome -- that's really great! Wonderful! I'm so happy for you!
Guy #1, accepting huge hug from
guy #2: Wow, dude, you're really happy about this.
Guy #2: Bro, you have no idea what I thought you were gonna say.
--Park bench, Central Park

Overheard by: Highlight of my day

that would totally be the highlight of my day... like hands down no matter what else happened

ALso I like the ones where random people join the conversation

Girl #1, about raffia ribbon: But the other place is like a dollar for three yards, so even if I don't want a hundred yards, I'd probably buy ten of those, so it would be ten dollars plus shipping, meaning I'd spend about the same but only have thirty yards instead of a hundred. So even though I don't need that many yards, I'd rather buy the hundred-yard spool just because it's so much better a deal. But who needs a hundred yards of raffia ribbon?!
Girl #2: Is there anything else you can do with it?
Random guy: There's so much you can do with raffia ribbon! You can wrap presents, do scrapbooking...! There are a million things!

heh heh I wish I could be the random person to say stuff like that