Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Purchase report-
-A weird blue velour stocking (its a roommate thing we are all matchers)
-A Fake christmas tree from your favorite store
-Various cheapo ornaments from all a dollar
-indoor out door lights for my window
-Some garlands and tinsel (we now have a tinsel chandelier which is awesome)
-Chantelle bought a table from the DI which is now our Christmas trees table but also has storage and can double as seating once the tree is gone.

Weather report
-First snow I have actually witnessed in Logan (if this hinders my drive home I will hurt someone)
-according to the news first measurable snowfall
-temperature cold, but luckily i spent minimal amounts of time outside today
-wind blowing (tomorrow morning is bound to be miserable)

School report
-At work the kids got like obsessed with my boys don't fall for me I trip them key chain
-I have a whole load of stuff i should be studying instead of writing this, Like sociology and an English project. heh I rock at life

Apartment report
- We are now decorated for xmas
-our coffee table now resides in the middle of our room instead of the side much to Chantalle's delight
-I finally got new food so I'm not starving but I drank all my milk. lame

moral- medium I am actually having a good week but I am still just a little depressed that Tyler is going to be gone next week! ahhh CRAZY! It will be so wierd! and then he'll be the missionary kid... hmmm

1 comment:

*Aliese* said...

Kelli? YOU? Depressed that a "he" will be gone?!? Where have things gone wrong in the world?...Anyway, now that there is snow in Loge (which I'm quite jealous of in all honesty), I have a tip for you: Keep a hair dryer by your front door! You see, when it freezes and you can't open it to leave your apartment, the dryer will be readily accessible to help thaw the ice. Yeah, I know. I'm your hero.