Tuesday, November 6, 2007


3- The number of times I have won Settlers in the past 2 days
8- The number of days until the Boys Like Girls concert*
13- Number of days until Thanksgiving break!
18 1/2- My age as of TODAY!
32- The number of time I have listened to that Rocket Summer song
500- Number of times Tyler will probably tell us that he got his teeth out by a real oral surgeon. Seriously. Go check my facebook wall.
1,000,000,000- How many times Zach has played Pat a Pan

Political Update: All of Renny's corners had been used so they solved the space problem by taking them off to put the vote today ones up. Thought you might want to know. ;)

More Previous Obsessions:
Orange Juice (only me)
Saddle Club/Horses
Malchik Gay
Also remember my weird butterfly phase?

Guilty Pleasure: That's Just the Way We Roll- Jonas Brothers

P.S. Number 1 makes me want to throw up

*Justin called me earlier and asked me what section our seats were in, and he's going to try and get ones by us.

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