Sunday, September 30, 2007

The punishment

A picture about Zach. cool huh?
Sundays just drag. this is my entertainment:D

Friday, September 28, 2007


Office last night... OH MAN! So funny.

"Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I don't know... I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me... that's the opposite of the point I'm trying to make."

More Emmy Worthy Moments:

Basically anything from the Saddle Club Days. You know when it was me, you, and Elyse out on our horses EVERYDAY, and all the crazy adventures we had there. i.e. The time that huge branch got caught on your hood, and flinged back and hit me in the face, the time the billet broke when we were doing a gymnica ect...

Any of the team splash activities. Like tubing down the river on a lobster tube, dying our hair pink, silly stringing Jordan, the sleepover....

All the vacations we've taken together.... you know jet skiing on bear lake and Bridger as your love interest.... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (You can't tell me that isn't a funny thought)

The pranks we are going to pull on Sarah this weekend... definitely going down in Kelli/Sadie history.

Us playing Ultimate Frisbee (This is a comedy right?)

Alright well can't wait for you to come down here for the weekend. It's going to be a BLAST! See ya soon Keller from the Cellar.

Guilty Pleasure: The aforementioned Power Rangers song. (Me and Zach have the coolest little kick punch routine for it.... That show is so ridiculous. You can't tell me it's not funny)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our TV show

Some awesome times in our lives that would have been awesome on TV

There is probably a lot of out in the big field moments that wold be film worth, wind blowing through our hair, bare back, laughing and racing and what not...
Me tripping your dad and him falling down the stairs. really that is just a classic moment
Us in wal mart at midnight trying to decide which pool lindsi should get
Us River rafting. we are always funny river rafting
I feel like the documentation of at least of of the quiet books would be humorous.
Us at the night is young sleepover we are funny when we are tired
Biker boy chasing me down and me jumping a fence
you nearly killing your self being Victoria and me making Emma cry
Playing wave race with your dad and being maniacs and yelling and stuff. well actually pretty much any one... they all think we are crazy.
Us at the various harry potter movies, every one of those has had some sort of funny dealio that has happened
Some of the various conversations we have had... I cant really remember them but we are funny almost a hundred percent of the time.

hmmmm we have 5 hits on the hit counter.... 2 are from me... haha i wonder if we get stats from this one i will have to go check me yahoo account.

I was on a huge roll today at maddies with the love quotes thing. heh my favorite part about them is that if people said them and were serious i would just think they were weirdos. My newest is "Love is like art, beautiful, yet difficult to understand" they just come to me hahaha i am so weird but this quiet book is going to be genius. if i get time in my break tomorrow i will start writing a story:D

I am glad that Sarah is Living in fear. She should be. Shes going Down town. :D

Guilty pleasure: New girl in Town *does the dance*

New quirk: I like to refer to things as explosions that belong to people like yesterday with the sarsplosion and my room is a kellsplosion, I dont really know why.

Useless 411

Here is just some random info I have gathered today

Number 1: Riding horses alone is really just not the same. Not as fun. Even the big field. It's quite heartbreaking really.

Number 2: Tonight is The Office Premier! YEAH-YA! I can hardly wait! I'm bouncing up and down in my seat as we speak. Here is a great little Office video from Youtube Oh man Youtube what a beautiful place.

Number 3: That stupid Brittany Spears guy does not deserve his own TV show. I mean really. WHO will watch it?

Number 4: It's Google's 9th birthday! Yahoo! Just imagine. Nine years a go today some people got really rich.

Number 5: Sarah has become paranoid about what we will do to her. It's almost as good as our jokes, because she just can't stop questioning everything. HAHAHAHA! You just wait Sarah. This weekend you'll pay! Never cross the line. Dire consequences. (example: Maddie being sprayed with a squirt gun while she's still half asleep)

Guilty Pleasure: Pictures to Burn: Taylor Swift(I realize this doesn't really qualify as "guilty," but it does to me, because sometimes I have a REALLY hard time admitting I like some country.)
Obsession: Quiet Book stuff! Anything Quiet Book!

P.S. That new Stargirl book gets 5 stars. ***** I pretty much love it. (I know I know I totally get an e-point. I actually might be ahead at the moment. I should be... I mean I have the Power Rangers song on my iTunes)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So I was showing Chantelle "bet on it" and in the side bar I saw a movie titled "Zac Efron, Light of Vanessa's Life." so of course i clicked on it becasue that is just humourous. here is the picture that accompanied the song. that is just plain funny I heh heh heh.

Guilty pleasure: Jonas man... ooooh this is an SOS:D


Nice find on the Taylor Swift Song. We are definitely going for a page two I think. What is up with people making the Sims videos? Weirdos. It probably was Gerad Way. Was there by chance a Gothic violin player in the video? Right now I am obsessed with this Rooney song, but it's not "When Did Your Heart Go Missing" it's "I'm Shakin'" ( It's addicting! I'm shakin' sh sh shakin' Zach thinks I'm crazy. Juicy Couture ads are all over teenvogue. The Jonas Brother's tickets were like $120.00 Can you believe it?!? haha! And actually they are just opening for Hannah Montanna. So you'll be pulling your savings for that one right? If they were way cheap I would say we should just go as a joke, but that would be a very expensive joke. I cut my hair. No color. I just can't decide. It's pretty short though. The kid who ran into my parents room is here right now. Ah! Good times. Today I fell off my chair. It was really cool. Maybe I am going for "Week filled with the most embarassing moments"
Guilty Pleasure: Today my guilty pleasure is Celeb Gossip. I have no idea why I care.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Answers and such

Answer 1- I'm in for a page two... I actually have a song to submit. if you ever get online at the same time as me i wold send it to you so you could tell me if it was or not. or you could look it up on youtube. its Oh my my my by Taylor swift. and I find the sim version humorous. which leads to a question... who takes the time to make their sims do all that stuff? ... probably Gerard way or something hahah

Answer 2- I suppose I don't really know why a Boy would have pink hair. and... how many juicy coture adds have you seen? I have never seen any. Also Alloy has really cute pea coats.

Answer 3- this is a tough question. I mean a twenty dollar hoodie... and those are probably nice hoodies. and cute... I Can't answer this question.

Answer 4- its Chan as in Jacki Chan. which does make it twice as funny huh? heh heh heh

Unofficial answer 5- I believe that I was on the Web site for the main radio station up here or 97.1 and saw them in the coming concerts link but I don't really remember. I am Sure that i didn't just google Jonas brothers concert, because I cant really imagine them in concert so i couldn't have looked it up to see if there was one... how much were tickets? hahahahahhaha jk

I am getting my hair done Saturday. eeek getting hair done is always stressful huh?? I'll go dark again but cutting it is always like long short long short? good luck with deciding. I really liked the color you died it last time but i think dark would be pretty awesome too.

Guilty Pleasure- I guess I already did one of these today... but I Did listen to HSM 2 All day in the car today.

Questions and Confessions

Question #1 I have found like three more best friend boys, and I was just wondering... You know... we could always do a page 2?
Question #2 Why do Juicy Couture ads always feature boys with either A. Pink hair B. WAY too many tattoos or C. Both?
Question #3 So I found this Abercrombie Hoodie for like $20 and I am so tempted to get it just because I mean that is a way good deal, but would I ever wear it?
Question #4 Is this new Chantelle nickname pronounced like "Shan" or really like "Chan" as in Jackie Chan? I mean I figured it was "Shan," but it would be funny if it was the other way so I was just checking.

OK and I have a confession for you. I was just reading up on all the old blog entries, and I saw the one about the Jonas Brothers concert, and I actually checked how much tickets cost.... I know I deserve a double e-point. WAIT! How did you know about the concert? I guess we both get an e-point? Unless you have a good excuse...

Tomorrow I am getting my hair done, and I still have NO idea what I am going to do to it... I hate deciding such things.

Guilty Pleasure: Sadie Hawkins Dance (Relient K)

These Things

Things with new nick names:

The Corolla- Geech. Jen and Adam started calling it that even though I told them I don't name my vehicles. and Its like i hate it but its sortof addicting.
Myself- Faith Calls me Kellers.. which is interesting.... it reminds me of cellars...
Chantelle- Chan. which always makes me want to call her Jackie Chan or something. Faith decided that Chantelle is just to long.

Things that annoy me

4th graders who think they are smarter then me- I was helping a little girl with a number line that went by 2s and the other little girl was like "when i count by 2s i count 3 5 7.... "and i was like "oh well i think most people count by twos starting at two" and she was like "you mean zero??"
Getting my finger prints taken- having a police man hold my hand for like 5 minutes is NOT my idea of a good time.
Having homework that I think is busy work- hello professor this is college not Highschool

That is lovely that you hit yourself so hard with the door. everyday when I walk out of my room with my back pack on I get stuck because I walk to Close to it and my backpack strap get caught on the little metal thing. but I have never made my self bleed. you have a gift My friend! your the only person I know who can say that you have hit yourself in the head with a door not once but twice!

Quote of the week- "We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow worm"
-Winston Churchill
(I'm totally a glow worm)

Guilty pleasure of the day- Let your heart do all the talkin'

Monday, September 24, 2007

And the Embarrassing Moment of the Week goes to... ME!

I am nominating myself for the Embarrassing Moment of the week. I think I'll win even though it's only Monday. Today I was running out the front door when I accidentally opened the front door on my face??? I really have no idea how, but I hit my face with the door really hard, and I was bleeding way bad so now I have this GIANT band-aid on my face. It's not very attractive. Hopefully it heals soon? So what do you think? Can you beat that one? It seems doubtful. I mean really can you imagine? "So what happened to your face?" "Oh you know I just hit myself with a door. No biggie. Happens all the time." Also I have a few Questions for you. Why is everyone so obsessed with James Blunt? I'm not. Also how is it possible that we suck THAT badly at Ultimate Frisbee? I mean how can we really be so bad at nearly every sport? We really should stick to horseback riding. Alright Well I have to run and get me a new band-aid I seem to be bleeding through this one. Can't wait until my Dad sees me... not.

Guilty Pleasure: Well I did just read Stargirl again.
Current Obsession: Sweaters! (I just bought me a cute one, and it's so cold today don't you just love the fall?)

Friday, September 21, 2007

nearly one in the morning

That would be awesome if you came! there is cool stuff going on like the game and ultimate frisby and the like. heh nearly one in the morning and i just remembered to check the blog. i am so J2 that you got drive me crazy. that movie rocks. so today faith told me that every time I say something I have like hidden messages. this really freaks me out. i am saying stuff i dont realize i am saying apparently... so wierd! aHHHHH i am going to cease to speak soon.:D well really i should be in bed.

Guilty pleasure: well i watched achy jakey heart on youtube today... thats embarassing

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Ok Kelli here is Derek's Blog with the awesome Halloween stuff. Also I think I really will be able to come up this weekend, if you still want me too! So hopefully we can work that out, because it would be way fun, and I have to meet my soulmate that Madigan picked out for me! :D Anyways this is going to be really short, because I doubt this computer is here for me to post blogs.... :D

Guilty Pleasure: A*TEENS (they're making a comeback for me at the moment. I now realize just how addicting Upside Down really is!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Random mumblings

Well that was a great post Kelli. Nice guilty pleasure. Well that video was really weird. That lady was creepy looking. Um wow. Ok. And now for a little peice of useless info. Today is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. Last night I talked to Maddie and apparently she has met my soul mate? HAHA! Apparently she is going to be a professional matchmaker with a major in love. lol Madigan, Madigan, Madigan, You know how you said your room was messy? Well yesterday I went to Jordan's house.... uh I bet your room is not nearly as messy as his. It had like 200 empty waterbottles everywhere.... it was so wierd.

More funny face matches:
Chantelle: Hilary Clinton
Tyler: Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luther on Smallville) or Prince William
Sarah: Shirley Temple
Jordan: Matt Damon and Yoko Ohno
Me: Jackie Kennedy (First Ladies you and me Kell!)
Another time Me, My Mom, Sydnie, and Zach were all Scarlett Johansson although I was the teen version, and everyone else was adult.

Guilty Pleasure: Well I just watched the Jonas Brothers perform at the Miss Teen USA pagent....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007



In math we had to choose code names. I only wish you could have heard my amazing japanese teacher telling us her code name was always smiley. apparently that is her email to. i intend to call you soon and I will be sure to give an impersonation. She said to choose a personality trait or a pets name or something so a kid asked if he could put jerk face, (trying to be funny and failing)
And in that hilarious accent she was like jerk face you are jerk? I wanted to think of something clever but just ran out of time so mine is roxy. I wish it could have been something More random...

I Used the face matcher. people we have now matched that I find humourous
Your dad- Justin Timberlake
Eric- Kathrine Heigle
Elyse- jojo
Justin- Zac Hanson
Me-Laura bush
Zac Efron- John updike (idk who that is but google him I find it humourous)

I decided there are some people that are without a doubt totally insane
Jack White of the White stripes
The main guy in Hawthorn heights
Britney Spears, for thinking it was ok to go on stage in a bikini
Whoever Directed the My Chemical Romance music video for I don't love you anymore. watch it. its wierd.
Janet jackson, who decided to get the smae nose job as her brother even though his looked bad

Moral: Medium
Food supply: LOW :D
Room cleanliness level- low

P.S. I now go to the same school as EFY Christian. Wierd huh?? he was Mr. USU last year

Guilty pleasure- Lets dance Vanessa Hudgens. or baby V as she likes to be called

Monday, September 17, 2007

Entertainment Tonight

OK so today I found this great website. You upload photos, and it tells you what celebrity you look like. It's hilarious. For example Zach was Angelina Jolie one time. And to further prove the hilariousness of this website I'm providing you with a photo to try. Pay close attention to my Dad's celebrity. HAHA!!

Guilty Pleasure: Six Minutes (Jonas Brothers)

Also here is a pea coat I might try to win.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Awesome school Days

Just some awesome school Memories
  • Me using your scriptures in seminary and winning prizes
  • Being in office aide together. (sortof)
  • getting Jed Bone kicked out of the library
  • holding up like 30 pictures with like 10 magnents
  • the who we are angry at picture
  • getting those minute maid juices for lunch everyday
  • you complaining about floppy fries

Moving on to HS

  • Always "randomly" ending up sitting by eachother in history
  • taking different ways to class every day
  • Eating a candy bar and a pop pretty much every day for lunch in tenth grade
  • The mazda having only locked doors except the driver side... and the back
  • The explorer having the broken window and the fights fo the good seats
  • listening to upside down even though probabaly no one else wanted to
  • thinking it would be a really fabulous idea to ride the mopeds to school
  • me falling down the stairs in tenth grade
  • hindu day in World Civ
  • being the smartest people in our english class hands down
  • me hitting a kid in the face with my keys
  • you running after mike witt with the bling
  • General real team stuff:D
  • Elyse Lies... such as a certain Killer pizza man:D
  • tastys tuesdays
  • trecking through the snow in the winter behind the school
  • Parking in that far parking lot all the time
  • obsession

there is a million things I missed. Thats just off the top of my head.

also some additions to the probably only we list

Probably only we debate whether Zac efron or the Jonas brother or dahani is cute.

Probably only we Listen to the same song all the way to Jackson hole and then listen to it again all the way back .

Probably only we like to argue with eachother just for the sake of arguing something pointless.

Probably only we get super obsessed over wave race. Probably only we would eat ramen with egg after school everyday for like a month.

Probably only we skip through parking lots throwing nerds.

Probably only we buy candy for movies intended to be used as projectiles.

Probably only we had enough disscusions about the possibility of me dating your brother to have it memorized

Probably only we go to barnes and noble and complete entire novels like TTYL

Probably only we make an entire list dedicated to best friend boys

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Probably Only We....

Since we were talking about how crazy we both are I was thinking I would make a list of all of our crazy attributes. There are just so many! Feel free to add. :D

Probably only we can spell Kuch Kuch Hota Hai without even having to think about it.
Probably only we have the composition notebook margins memorized.
Probably only we actually want to own Saddle Club Season 1 at our age.
Probably only we ride down the Weber River in a lobster tube, and a giant sea turtle.
Probably only we love A*teens as much as we do.
Probably only we think it's hilarious to make horses wear girl colors and sparkles.
Probably only we own "Stack Movies" such as Somewhere Tomorrow.
Probably only we spend an hour in Blockbuster only to come out with Drive Me Crazy.
Probably only we think it would be awesome to go off Big Kahuna in an inner tube.
Probably only we watched Pride and Prejudice enough times to quote thing the whole thing (actually us and Jordan HA!).
Probably only we tape seventeen packages of nuts on some random persons car.
Probably only we tie a tube on the back of a horse and run around.
Probably only we can spell Malchik Gay off the top of our heads.
Probably only we play the license plate game with such brutality.
Probably only we would keep a bobby pin in our locker because it owes a life debt.
Probably only we feel severe separation anxiety after only two days apart.
Probably only we run Tomato Soup, Ramon, and Macaroni and Cheese.
Probably only we think obsession is one of the most awesome things ever.
Probably only we keep track of how many times we grab a mitten out of someones hand.
Probably only we used seminary scriptures as a mailbox.
Probably only we crave salt and vinegar chips with a huge bag of cheese curds.
Probably only we attend a Llama fest and tell people about it/sport a shirt with it on it.
Probably only we had to worry that we might accidentally turn up in the same outfit.
Probably only we argue about which natural disaster would be fun to be.
Probably only we have Upside Down at the top of our most played list.
Probably only we go to the mall looking for ugly clothes rather than cute ones.
Probably only we think the Brother Bear commentary is the funniest thing on earth.
Probably only we think that's it's really fun to run around with sheets when it's stormy.
Probably only we skip through a parking lot yelling freedom while throwing nerds in the air.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just some stuff

I am excited for it too! It will be so funny! I am so excited to come home. for a while i thought today was Friday and i was going to be able to come home. that was a grave disappointment. Lol today was one of those days i guess. i gt lost in the business building today which is really embarrassing because i go in that building to the same floor I was on every day. I felt like a fool. you know what? now that i heard that about transformers I really want to watch it. I went to Ashley's yesterday. good times it seems like she is having a lot of fun. the horse club woman never emailed me back and i am thoroughly annoyed. well this email is just full of positivism.. NOT haha oh well next time i bet will be better. oh my gosh i thought of something i need to put on my collage! the A*teens i cant believe i forgot them. I made a soundtrack for my life and upside down was on it:D awesome i know. haha and my mom called today and thought i was going emo because my little message said so darken your clothes and strike a violent pose, because that is just plain funny:D woot tomorrow is FRIDAY!
*Weekends are for the warriors!*

The Office

Here is a little Office Promo I thought you might enjoy.

I love it! "We now have 7 beautiful settings in white, and one that's Transformers" Also Andy should totally be a Team Splash Member! hahahahahaha I love the office. Can't wait for it to come back. :D

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Flag Day

Wow can't wait. Hopefully I can get my dreadlocks to work out before I get there so I fit in. This morning I was up very early. You know how the scouts have to put up those flags on different holidays i.e. The Forth of July, Flag Day, September 11th etc.. anyways last night I'm reading my awesome new psychology book, and my Dad comes into my room and says, "Hey Sadie you can drive my truck tomorrow to take Sarah and Zach to do flags." Translation: No one wants to wake up at 5:30 to put flags in front of people's yards so we are making you do it, and trying to act like we are doing you a favor, because you can take the truck. The terrorists should be the ones putting up the flags. Why are we punished for their transgression? Anyways happy September 11th memorial day? Seems like that was forever ago huh. If I had no sense of self embarrassment I would post that picture of my family @ the World Trade Centers pre 9/11, but unfortunately I am wearing a ridiculously embarrassing fanny pack in that picture.

Guilty Pleasure: Right now all I do is listen to Lifehouse, but I suppose it is probably that Pop Princess song still.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Things you might See at the Great Utah State

Since you are coming up in a week or so i decided I ought to do this so you didn't have any culture shock.

Probably some people with dread locks. I see them a lot. yesterday i saw a girl with waist length dreads and a really cute pink tie dye shirt.

Maybe someone who will try to run you over with their bike. its happened to me, it can happen to anyone

definitely someone with some sort of nature slogan on their shirt

possibly a mountain man looking person, complete with beard and giant hiking boots

some very strange back packs like the fur one I saw today

Perhaps this weird preacher man who comes to campus everyday and yammers on and on about how the book of Mormons not true at least i think that's what hes saying i know he is preaching against us

ALOT of vespas. people here love their vespas I have even seen people ride them double just like in that one Mary-Kate and Ashley go to... Italy? anyways we can ride those when we go to Europe.

maybe some boys dressed in girls clothes, high heels and all. I've seen it before I may see it again.

some people at the field house exercising in jeans.. I don't get it but hey. what can you do?

People sleeping in random places. hallways, outside benches, the floor in the commons, ect i find it humorous. I mean what if you drooled? Or like thrashed around or talked in your sleep??

Someone muttering to themselves. heh funny

The cowboys are rampant up here. Wranglers hats boots buckles and all. and apparently chantelle saw one tday wearing a ball cap with his toothpick stuck in the back, you know for convenience. it could be so embarrassing to have something stuck in your teeth and nothing to get it out with! IMAGINE!

apparently people getting arrested... for drugs, according to chantelle...

Cool huh?

Guilty Pleasure: the teenagers music video becuase I think Gerard Way is hot. hopefully i get over this soon. chantelle thinks he is girly.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Collage

the collage. i spent the better part of my day doing this and really its probabaly embarassing but i like it...

Friday, September 7, 2007

Nanny Diaries

So Today is my last day of babysitting my cousins. It's been wild! I've been sleeping over at their house, and I'm pretty sure my Nintendo skills have increased ten fold this week. Wave Race, Mario Kart, Pokemon Snap, You name it, I can play it! If we still did those huge championship wave race competitions with my Dad we would so take those Jamba Juices home. Also I know a lot of games you can play at the park. And I can curl two peoples hair in under an hour. Got your first 7th grade dance coming up? No problem. I've got your bases covered. It was actually really fun too. Your cousin's friend who is going to London to be a nanny is super lucky.
Guilty Pleasure: SOS: Jonas Brothers (YEAH-YA!)

Another Ugly Outfit

I'm not really sure who told her, but apparently they got to this lady too. Gotta love animal print. It can make anyone look rediculous.

Guilty Pleasure: My sudden crush on the main singer of Lifehouse. I even bought the new CD

Thursday, September 6, 2007

an ugly outfit

I want to know who told this girl this outfit was a good idea for wimboldon. honestly. get real. its like a cheetah exploded on her:D

Guilty pleasure of the day: pretty much any thing Jonas I guess

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

D.M.M. (disturbing Mari moments)

In case I didn't tell you or you forgot or somthing mari is the engaged roommate. and today i was just thinking and i decided to make a list of some of the more horrifying times I have had concerning her and Steve the fiance.

Just today I walked in and they were like laying in the halway to the kitchen so I had to like step over them. and of course they dont think there is anything awkward about them laying on eachother so they will jsut talk to you like its normal. but really its wierd.

Last night they were wrestling in the living room. it was a little wierd and it was like hard core wrestleing and then he was like tickling her and its just wierd.

When my mom came up they were like sprawled all over the couch. like its bad that I haveto see it but just that much worse that my mom does too.

Last night she was giving him a back massage at the dinner table.. I dont like to watch people give massages:D like really. who does? Also i dont like it when they sit at the kitchen table and gaze into each others eyes and rub the upper arm *shudders*

The awful time when they thought it was a good idea to go makeout in the parking lot. AHHH by my car! NO!!!

This doesnt have anything to do with mari but whenver steve comes over and i answer the door he just says "what up?" like really. i think he should just say hey or somthing. but no unfailingly its just "what up"

now thats done and done. I have noticed a disturbing trend. we have failed to remember our guilty pleasure fo the day the last couple of posts. i forgot first so its mostly my fault but still.

Guilty pleasure of the day: Party with us by Hannah Montana and the Jonas brothers

P.S. watch from 1:20 on... to see the kuch kuch hota hai move

More random thoughts

Well I thought that was a great post. Now I will tell you MY random thoughts for today. I had to go go the Social Security building to get my social Security number fixed, and it was quite an enjoyable experience....

First I learned that you have to wait for a very long time in that cramped little office with about a thousand different people.

I also learned that soap operas are very dull, and that even though I saw three different ones I think they all had the same plot and possibly the same names as well.

You can in fact fit 5 people on Maggie's bed if you all sleep very uncomfortably (and can get everyone to stop tickling/kicking/elbowing/pinching the person next to them)

Upon returning to the regular world after spending all day and night with little kids you might accidentally call a backpack a "pack pack" or a pair of flip flops "whip whops" both of these mistakes can be highly embarrassing.

Apparently I am a firm believer in retail therapy, because I am a shopping fiend today!

My family is going up to Bear Lake for that weekend so I might meet them up there and go to my awesome lake with the rope swing.

I do no know anyone who doesn't like rope swings and shopping! So here's to a happy wave coming on! YAHOO!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My random thoughts for the day

Apparantly i am so bored rigth now that my mind is moving like 30 miles a minute and i am typing s fast that things have gone really bad so far and i have had to crrect alot of stuff already:d and ways so i thought maybe since you were here you would like a little peek into my logan state of mind
  • why do people comment bands pictures on myspace? its not like they really care. honestly.
  • People fighting on you tube is really stupid. like its funny to read but its not like you should really care
  • another youtube thought. why do people watch stuff they hate? and why comment it. you tube makes me loose faith in the human race i think
  • what makes boys think its ok to walk around in tank tops i jsut dont get it.
  • laptop key boards are not as easy to use as normal keyboards
  • you would really think that all the stupid people would have been weeded out before college people in my english class prove to me this is not the case. rats
  • the jonas brothers are coming to utah october 27. hehe funny we should go :D:D:D jk
  • I like it when people where those shirts that say things like save the whales its humorous
  • today i spelled thesaurus without even thinking about it. it made me feel smart. even chantelle was impressed haha
  • chantelle is going to write a book with words of the day.... todays word is deplorable
  • I dont really want to go to class today i have to go listen to my confusing japanese math teacher. AHHH save me
  • why to colleges think its such a good idea to have people who dont speak english teach a bunch of english kids beginner math i just dont understand.

well i hope that wasnt so boring.... it made me less bored... awesome:D

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Greetings from ghetto town

I am working in Ogden today, and while it has many downsides (i.e. the fact that I have to drive down here or the fact that it is in our own little ghetto) it does have some excellant advantages. So I am going to revert to my former positive happy self, and point out all the good things about it.
#1. It has a radio system that is truely awesome
#2. I get to see some extremely strange people come in. Most have tatoos, so it's like this free tatoo catalog you know? If I ever want to get a tatoo I have plenty of exaples just sitting right here so you know if I see any good prospects....
#3. Also the people who come in are usually commiting some horrible fashion crime. i.e. a wife beater or stringy hair with no make up, so even though I am just wearing a t-shirt and jeans with some mascara and eye liner I look VERY put together next to them.
#4. I don't smoke therefore I also smell a lot better than most.
#5. That wierd 30 year old guy doesn't rent here.
And best of all.....
#6. If I ever wear that shirt that you drew me wearing someone would probably shoot me, and put an end to my embarrasment.