Monday, September 24, 2007

And the Embarrassing Moment of the Week goes to... ME!

I am nominating myself for the Embarrassing Moment of the week. I think I'll win even though it's only Monday. Today I was running out the front door when I accidentally opened the front door on my face??? I really have no idea how, but I hit my face with the door really hard, and I was bleeding way bad so now I have this GIANT band-aid on my face. It's not very attractive. Hopefully it heals soon? So what do you think? Can you beat that one? It seems doubtful. I mean really can you imagine? "So what happened to your face?" "Oh you know I just hit myself with a door. No biggie. Happens all the time." Also I have a few Questions for you. Why is everyone so obsessed with James Blunt? I'm not. Also how is it possible that we suck THAT badly at Ultimate Frisbee? I mean how can we really be so bad at nearly every sport? We really should stick to horseback riding. Alright Well I have to run and get me a new band-aid I seem to be bleeding through this one. Can't wait until my Dad sees me... not.

Guilty Pleasure: Well I did just read Stargirl again.
Current Obsession: Sweaters! (I just bought me a cute one, and it's so cold today don't you just love the fall?)

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