Saturday, September 1, 2007

Greetings from ghetto town

I am working in Ogden today, and while it has many downsides (i.e. the fact that I have to drive down here or the fact that it is in our own little ghetto) it does have some excellant advantages. So I am going to revert to my former positive happy self, and point out all the good things about it.
#1. It has a radio system that is truely awesome
#2. I get to see some extremely strange people come in. Most have tatoos, so it's like this free tatoo catalog you know? If I ever want to get a tatoo I have plenty of exaples just sitting right here so you know if I see any good prospects....
#3. Also the people who come in are usually commiting some horrible fashion crime. i.e. a wife beater or stringy hair with no make up, so even though I am just wearing a t-shirt and jeans with some mascara and eye liner I look VERY put together next to them.
#4. I don't smoke therefore I also smell a lot better than most.
#5. That wierd 30 year old guy doesn't rent here.
And best of all.....
#6. If I ever wear that shirt that you drew me wearing someone would probably shoot me, and put an end to my embarrasment.

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