Sunday, December 9, 2007

Guide to Having Fun Edition 4:Ugly Clothes Game

Well, it's time for the world to know about the Ugly Clothes Game. Probably one of the best games ever invented, and since we mentioned it a couple of times in here we thought we'd make it the joint effort of the week. Enjoy!

How to Play The Ugly Clothes Game
by Sadie and Kelli

This game takes at least 3 people, but is better with more. Basically each player is assigned another player and they go out and try to find the ugliest clothes possible. Then everyone has to try on the clothes given to them by the other player. Everyone comes out wearing hideous clothes, laughing ensues, and whoever chooses the worst outfit wins and gets to pick who they want to choose clothes for next.

Helpful Hints and Tips:
Department Stores work best (bigger dressing rooms/more ugly clothes)
Always browse the clearance racks
Mix patterns and colors you usually wouldn't
Don't be afraid to venture into the Granny Section

May get kicked out of JC Penny's if the dressing room is small.**

1 comment:

*Aliese* said...

We totally played this "game" for Spring Fling once when I was in high school...We were at the D.I. though. We did take it one step further though: you had to wear the outfit bought for you at the dance. Good times were definitely had.