Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ooh, Gift Baskets!

While my job is really boring and they apparently don't even know how to spell my name (Saidie?) they do give an awesome Christmas basket. Gourmet popcorn (I gave this to Sarah), Gourmet Chocolate dipped pretzels (Delicious), Some fancy food stuff that I probably won't eat, The Trans Siberian Orchestra CD (yeah I don't really care about this so I gave it to my Mom), and a $25 gift card to Target. So I guess really just the last part is awesome, but it is truly awesome! Gift cards are great because they are like an excellent excuse to waste money. You can't save it. You can't put it in the bank, and you aren't actually spending anything. So it's like begging to be wasted, and if we are good at anything we are good at wasting money at Target. I love Target (we both do, we spend a lot of time there for some reason).

Gift baskets remind me of Pocahontas.

Wiggins: Do you think we'll meet some savages?
Governor Ratcliffe: If we do, we shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting.
Wiggens: Ooh, gift baskets!

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