Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here are some life lessons We have learned through the Years

Angry people are funny, and tired people are not always wise. Exinit A. Jordan: "you don't touch a mans pillow!"

Directions may seem unimportant but if you don't have them you can easily ruin things. Like Iron ons for team splash.

Any food would be good after River Rafting. Cheese curds diet coke with lime and salt and vinegar chips.. YUM

It may seem funny to watch someone fall down the stairs. Actually its hilarious.

Any sort of food can be ruined, even the easiest to make types. ramen tomato soup ect.

It might seem like a good idea to paint yourself with lite stick. this is not the case.

People might say it wont be that bad to go to different schools. this is a huge lie.

It seems like a really good idea to tie a tube to a horse, and it is a good idea. it is not wise to leave said horse unattended.

even pathological liars have feelings. I mean check out elyse's most recent myspace blog.

Embarassing music is almost always fun. I mean think about the A*teens and the jonas brothers

Some movies may seem completely ridiculous but in reality can be totally hysterical, as is illustrated by a great many stack movies. another movie fact shows for little kids can be really cool as well.

Going to walmart at like one in the morning seems awesome but the people there can be really terrifying

Fall color report: the trees are mostly dead now...

Little known fact: Sometimes when I am bored in church I count all the rectangles I can find. I also sometimes do circles.

Guilty Pleasure: hmmm probably Move On hahaha

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