Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another Late Night

I don't really know why I stay up so late... we watched a movie called unbreakable. idk if you ahve ever seen it but it is really wierd and I dont reccomend it. in fact I wold probabaly say that I hated it. hmmmm. right now I am like one of those nerdy computer kids... I am sitting at my desk at nearly one oclock in the morning editing soud files for ringtones. I am pretty sure I am the lamest kid ever. but everyone else is asleep and I am really bored. and not that tired. I took a really long nap today. huuu I should not have volunteerd for the howl my friend I really feel like coming home. Mari and steve made dinner today and that was good times, also chantelle brought her grandma over, i guess they were in idaho or something i dont really know. Faith says her mom can be really indimidating sometimes. this is a statement I agree with. I had to hide a package that chantelle got so her mom wouldnt see it which I think is pretty humorous. ok sorry this is a really boring post. but I thought I should post something today and so I did

Obsession: Big Casino

L.K.F.: I like the taste of those square batteries when you put them on your toung

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