Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More funny things

Things That Always Make Me Laugh:

The Bear thing
That secret admirer prank
Scaring Zachary (both with the spider, and on the roof)
That kid at Target that was dressed like a Chicken (what the heck!!)
That Joe Jonas Rap
You hitting me with that tree branch when we were riding horses
"Are you special to him?"
Our Blog (it's is pretty awesome)
That picture of Sarah jumping. (haha! Oh man! This one really does get me every time)
Quoting my old bands lyrics
Thinking of me being in a band
The dead bird get well soon card
Tyler's birthday gift
"Quit your blogging"
How much we like the Jonas Brothers
That Celebrity match up website (espeically now)
This picture of Jordan looking like the Grinch as a child. I'm not really sure if you've seen it or not, but it is pretty hilarious.
The Role Players at the park
The Break-Up Song (more specifically actually sending it to someone)
The Fanny Packs

Guilty Pleasure: Our hilarious Bachlorette CD

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