Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just some random post

I actually have yet to decide what this blog post is about, I just decided I would write one... I am sure it Will be random.
Today I visited some of the blogs of note. There is one called the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks, this turned out to be quite humorous. I do believe that Given the chance, us and this person would be good friends, Read at least some of them they are funny. This led me to wonder how people are chosen for Blogs of note.. I wonder if its like, the Number of comments you recieve, or like site traffic... anyways, we have only one comment and pretty low site traffic. lame. people should read and comment then send their friends. then we would be famouse
At the elementary school where I Work it was Crazy hair day, I remember crazy hairday fondly, I am sure my mother remembers it not as fondly. I am sure it was a pain to attempt whatever wild scheme I dreamed up and then a pain to comb it out after the day was done. I also remember when we weren.t allowed to have them anymore, obviously this school is so much cooler then ours because they still get to do fun things like pajama day and dress up on halloween and stuff
Last night Mari was trying to trick people with the transformers things but then she couldnt anymore becuase it was after 9. so then she went to this site http://www.shockinghumor.com/soundboards/3087/Dr_Phil_Soundboard
And started calling people. some people would just like hang up but faiths brother talked for like 15 minutes. it was pretty funny.

Also as you well know I waste exrtreme amounts of time on really pointless stuff today my poinless time wasters...

Stumbling upon this-
and from there to this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRTR7qrr4Fc .... I waste less time then this person
and this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5BgJHXxvk - this one is funny like way funny...hes like jumping around like a wild man, and then "oh my gosh nick you are SO HOT!... you'll seem obsessed watching it. but i reccomend doing it anyways

you know... we may be a little obsessed... but these people are alot obsessed. and these are just the ones i bothered to watch

also I think that if we knew the jonas brothers we would be tight with them.

Guilty pleasure: Who said by hannah montana or apparently the jonas brothers

Quote of the day: "The light at the end of tunnle has been turned off due to budget problems" heh, someone turned off our lie for two weeks. jerk.:D

Little known Fact: I really like to wear my hoodie hoods and i would do it like all the time but I feel like a retard. also It cuts down my perhephrial vision

moral really is practically at an all time low... knowing that I cant come home is ruining my life:D

1 comment:

*Aliese* said...

Yes, it's true...I really DO have one of these! It hasn't been around WAY long, but really, it was an inevitable creation, let's be honest. Anyway, I personally feel as though your morale should most definitely NOT be at an all-time low! That's a really depressing thought. I would think that if life really gets that bad, you'd call me or go buy yourself an ice cream cone or something!!