Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nothing Really....

I actually have nothing to write about right now, but I am pretty bored and I was on here. Plus I've been a little slow on my posting lots lately. Here's just some random things that happened today.
  • Zach got his new guitar. It is pretty awesome. I mean it's red, shiny and new, but he totally still owes me $30.
  • I had an important realization. Ice cream is way better in cone form. Why would you ever order the bowel when you could have a cone?
  • Kiera STILL talks to the dingo. Can you even believe it? I guess you probably can, but gosh I thought moving across the country would have some sort of impact. Apparently not.
  • 8 days until SPRING BREAK!!!! Can you believe it's that close? I was sort under the impression that it was forever away. Not the case!
  • 63 Days until SUMMER. Which seems like a lot, but it's not. That's like 2 months and a day or something. Not to mention weekends and Spring Break. Plus it might even be sooner depending on how finals week works out. Can't wait.... sort of....
  • I went horseback riding.... it is very muddy...

Listening to: Sadie- Alkaline Trio (which makes me feel kind of self obsessed or something, but I actually like that song, and I don't think it's because it's called Sadie. It's not like it very complimentary "your on your own my little nightmare" I mean I would hope no one's said that about me.)

Quote of the day: (In honor of your day) Kelli: I want to be a ballerina! *attempts twirl, but falls on face*

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