Sunday, January 13, 2008

News Flash

I was hanging out with Pindsi Elm today. Her B-day is coming up this week. We should get her a crazy present. Something totally hilarious. I am thinking a Zucchini. If I was rich I would say the Jet Ski Blow Up thing for a future river run. Gotta love Team Splash! Tomorrow me and Sydnie are going to see Les Mis again. Sydnie is totally crushing on red vest boy. She just can't wait to see him again. ;)

Bad News: You left your letter and pictures here.
Good News: I scanned them, and I'll send you the file.
Bad News: The Colts lost
Good News: It's Martin Luther King extra long weekend!
Bad News: You left your camera tapes here.
Good News: You'll be down to pick them up in a mere 5 days.

Also. Why do we not live in North Carolina?

"Come to our show this Wednesday, Jan 16th, @ Greene Street w/ Armor For Sleep, Four Year Strong, and The International Drive. When you pay at the door simply say the word "mercy" and you will receive a voucher for a free cd and signed poster @ our cd release on Feb 6th! Seriously, how much better could it get?? I dunno. You tell me.LOVE YOU ALL <3>

I want to go to a Mercy Mercedes concert so bad! That would be a total high energy one, and it would be awesome. Plus free Cd's. What the heck! Get a label already so you can go on real tour.

P.S. Elyse took a "kissing quiz" with some valuable information. hmm..hmmm.. :D

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