Monday, January 7, 2008

First Day

It is interesting that what was once one of the best days of the year is now one of the worst. First day of school. Eww. Now, I realize we already had A first day but in college this day comes twice a year because we get new classes at semester. there are a couple of reasons why the first day just isn't the same anymore.

  • Its not Just like a hangout day anymore
  • Its not like you are getting to see people you haven't seen all summer
  • but it is like your summer vacation got cut short because winter vacation isn't that long.
  • Professors tend to be a bit ornery the first day
  • You have to get used to getting up early again.

My professors are actually OK. my math professor is insane I swear but he is funny. And I think he rides horses because he uses them to explain problems. my sciences teacher is obsessed with the Galapagos islands. I am sure Mrs Clarke and her would be best friends. haha

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