Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Me, basically being over the top.

You are so right the blog has been neglected. Especially from me! What the heck. And really, what is up with all the extremely boring blogs of note. Last week there was some boring bird watching one. Today we officially enter into obsession. I want those concert tickets SO SO SO bad! Hopefully we don't dissolve into screaming fan girls, but no promises. I will look for some night and day! No sleeping... well ok.... for awhile... so I can dream about the concert. I have faith though. eBay is a beautiful thing. I mean those Jazz tickets I scooped up were red hot :D Whoa. Is it really possible to be this obsessed so suddenly? So I finished watching The Horse Whisperer and now I want to ride SO bad. What's up with it being night? Lame! I want to ride really bad. Whenever I watch horse movies I want to ride like crazy. It stinks not having you here to ride with though. But still I don't care how cold it is tomorrow I will be out there. I will most likely look like a Yeti after I put on all my layers, but I couldn't care less.

Things I Am Looking Forward To:
  • The Jazz game tomorrow (YEAH-YA!)
  • That amazing concert
  • Not having to work tomorrow
  • Super bowel Sunday

Things I Really Want To Buy, But Shouldn't:

  • Concert Tickets
  • A Jazz T-shirt (with either Boozer, Okur, or Korver on the back... haven't actually found and Korver ones. Probably because he isn't even a starter)
  • Shoes (I am randomly in a shoe phase which is weird. I'm not a shoe girl really)
  • That StupidCupid T-shirt from Threadless


*Aliese* said...

@ Kelli--
It wasn't just that there was a couple inches of snow...That's not what shut everything down. The 70 mph winds were what shut everything down! Well, that and the power outage.

*Aliese* said...

@ Sadie--
You know, you should really just make your OWN Jazz shirt! That would most definitely aid in a boring night and a fantastic fashion statement. Just go buy some cheap-o t-shirt, some Sharpie markers, glitter, etc. Whatever your pleasure! I think that's totally better than goin' out and buyin' some random jersey. Totally not as cool. If you wanna get real fancy, there's this paper you can buy that goes right in your printer and it irons on to a T-shirt! Seriously, great times. You can just get it at Wal*Mart and print whatever you want. Even pictures!